Forgot login Password Firstly , Click on "Forgot your password?", Click on the button "forgot your password" and typed your email. Then, click on the button "SUBMIT". We will send you an email to reset your password. 忘記密碼: 首先進入"Forgot your password?" ,進入後填上你的電郵地址,之後按下 "SUBMIT"。我們會在數分鍾內發給新的密碼到你所填寫的電郵裡。
Register a new account: We are welcome you to register a new account, Click on "Create Account". Then, fill out all required information in the online form and click on the button "Create". You are now registered on our website and can order immediately. Now , you can use your account to check your order and past order details. Enjoy your Time =) 加入會員得到更多優惠: 我們歡迎你加入布恩堂, 首先進入"Create Account", 之後填上所需耍的資料再按下"Create"。現在你可以下單,還可以查看送貨情況。
What currency these prices? The default prices are listed in HK dollars. You can also select to view the prices in AUD, EUR, GBP, TWD. 價格是什麼貨幣? 我們默認價格以港元顯示。 你也選擇顯示澳元,歐元,英鎊,新台幣的價格。
Where will your order ship from? Our office based in Hong kong. Your order will ship from Hong Kong. If you visit Hong Kong, Please feel free to find us.=) Our showroom in Lai Chi Kok. Monday to Saturday 11am-6pm.